At Nate’s Apartment
Amy apologized for missing dinner, explaining that exhaustion from her flight from Los Angeles had gotten the better of her. She thanked Nate and Audra for inviting her over for dessert, even though she felt she might be overstaying her welcome. Nate quickly dismissed the idea, and Audra chimed in, sharing that she’d picked up Amy’s favorite meringue cookies. Amy protested, not wanting to trouble them, but Audra joked she would have devoured the cookies alone if Amy hadn’t come. Nate added with a grin that Audra wasn’t even willing to share them with him, making it clear the cookies were all her idea.
Curious about Damian’s situation, Amy asked if there were any updates. Nate revealed that Damian was coming to Genoa City to continue discussions, although he wasn’t certain if it involved the job offer. However, he shared a bombshell from his private investigator: Damian wasn’t as down-and-out as they’d assumed. In fact, both companies Damian was linked to were owned by the same parent company—one that Damian secretly owned. Amy was stunned, struggling to process how he could have concealed such success.
Nate admitted it was baffling, especially considering Damian’s once-desperate demeanor. Amy recounted how he had begged her for money in the past, and Nate expressed amazement at Damian’s transformation into a powerful entrepreneur. Amy reflected on how driven Damian had always been when motivated, a trait she believed he inherited from Jackson.
Audra encouraged Amy not to underestimate herself, while Nate asked if she truly believed Damian had built such an empire. Amy hesitated, confessing that she thought Damian had lost his drive after Jackson’s death and couldn’t fathom why he would hide his success. Nate recalled how aimless Damian had once appeared and wondered why he was still engaging with them.
Amy speculated that Damian might be testing Nate, suspecting his intentions. Nate resolved to be honest with Damian, admitting that the job offer had been a pretense to reconnect him with Amy. Audra encouraged Amy to reach out, but Amy worried that revealing her secrets could drive Damian away. Audra reassured her that she wouldn’t be facing this alone—she and Nate would support her. Touched by their kindness, Amy decided to prepare for Damian’s visit, though she was filled with trepidation.
Elsewhere, Sharon’s Inner Turmoil
Sharon was eager to sleep in her own bed, but her restless mind wouldn’t allow it. When Nick asked if the tainted water had fully left her system, Sharon explained she had stopped drinking it as soon as she realized it was drugged. Despite rehydrating, the memories of her hallucinations—particularly seeing Cassie—haunted her. She expressed deep regret for her actions during her grief, especially her role in covering up Heather’s death.
Nick reminded Sharon of the family’s resilience and reassured her that forgiveness was always possible. Though Sharon doubted her ability to earn it, she resolved to make amends with Daniel and Lucy. Nick comforted her, confident in her strength to heal, and they shared an emotional embrace before he left.
As Sharon settled onto the couch, lost in thought, the door flew open. Mariah burst in, tearful and frantic, revealing that Tessa and Aria were missing.