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'Will Trent' Season 3, Episode 5 “Breathe With Me” Recap

Writer's picture: BarbaraBarbara

This episode opens with a bloodied man in a bathtub.  Will Trent’s name is scrawled on the side of the tub.  It looks like a room in Faith's new condo.

Faith is finishing moving in.  Her Mom, Evelyn Mitchell, comes to visit.  She needs to stay because of a health issue. She lets her stay, bringing all her passive aggressive remarks and attitude, frustrating Faith. She’ll be there for two weeks.  Faith wants to set boundaries, but has to go to class later.

Faith’s at the GBI Office venting to Will and Amanda about her Mom.  Faith tries to talk Amanda into letting her stay with her, and do old lady things together.  Amanda refuses.  Will says don't even ask him.  At that moment, Faith gets an urgent call from her Mom.  Rushing home, she finds out the emergency is that Evelyn discovered something odd happened at a neighbor’s place.  It has to do with his cat.  Faith doesn't think that's an emergency, and they argue.  Faith leaves for her dance class.  


Evelyn sees something happening at the neighbor’s place and calls 911.  Faith comes home and sees the police there.  She rushes in to see if her Mom is all right.  The place looks like someone broke in.  Faith is upset and takes her anger out on the investigating cops.  Will gets her to help him look for clues and focus on her Mom's possible actions.  

Ormwood and Angie go to the condo rental agency, and ask BJ for a list of condo residents banned from the building.  The building manager, Juanita, has a list of the addresses of those people, but she didn't come to work.  She only lives in one of the condos.  Angie and Ormwood go check the unit, but no one's there.  They think that's the unit Evelyn was spying on. Will and Faith go talk to one of the residents banned from the building, Stacy Cole.  He runs when they tell him who they are.  

Evelyn wakes in a dark room and sees another person there.  They are both handcuffed and unable to move.  Evelyn is hallucinating and sees Faith.  Two men come in and talk to the lady asking why she didn't warn them that they were breaking into a cop’s house.  Evelyn surmises that Juanita has what they want, but won't give it to them.

Back at the GBI, Faith talks to Stacy Cole, and asks him what the two kidnappers want.  He won't tell her anything.  Will called an ambulance for Faith because she passed out from low blood sugar.  Amanda is threatening to have an EMT follow Faith around to make sure she's all right.  Later, Will, Amanda and Faith figure out what the two guys want.  It's something to do with antique coins.  

Evelyn is trying to escape but can't.  She's hallucinating and thinks Faith is there.  She sees a tape of the guy dying in the bathtub at Faith's condo.  After Faith and Will return to the GBI, Angie tells them about the owner at the antique coin store.  They go to see him, and get him to contact the buyer about the upside down lion coin.  

Faith interrogates the buyer, Scotty.  She tells him he kidnapped her Mom.  Faith threatens him, and he tells her where they took Evelyn. Evelyn comes up with a way to escape.  She talks Juanita into trying to slip the cuffs off.  She’s successful, but Evelyn can't get hers off before the kidnapper, Grant, returns.  Evelyn injects him with insulin and he passes out.  Juanita leaves Evelyn.  Faith and Will get the location of Evelyn from Scotty and race to save her. Faith's remembering past times her Mom was there to help her.  One poignant one was when she was giving birth.  Meanwhile, Grant wakes and starts beating Evelyn.  She fights hard.  Faith, Will and the police find where Evelyn’s held.  Faith bursts in and pulls Grant off her Mom.  

A relieved Amanda goes to visit Evelyn at the hospital.  She gives her an update on Juanita.  Amanda tells her friend she’s taking her rock climbing to help her get healthy.  She can't lose her friend.  Faith sits in the hall talking to Will about not listening to her Mom, and almost losing her.  Will gives Faith Betty to hold and comfort her.  She thanks him.

At the police station, Angie talks to Ormwood and asks how he's doing.  He's having money problems because of his divorce.  She says she's there to listen when he wants to talk, as he leaves.  A woman comes to see Angie.  Ms. Lamb.  She's with the DOC and John Shelly’s parole officer.  She asks if Angie can be his reference for a job.  She refuses.

Back at home, Faith and her Mom relax and talk about all their issues.  They forgive each other for the anger and hurt they caused each other.  Evelyn apologizes.  She tells Faith to take her dance classes because she knows she'll be great.  This episode had some tough scenes.  It was still Fantastic.  Betty was cutely adorable, and an official heartwarming treasure.  Will Trent episodes continue surprising and intriguing!

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