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'The Rookie' Season 7, Episode 4 "Darkness Falling" Review

Writer's picture: ValVal

Tuesday’s all new episode of The Rookie was another great one – they’re starting to pick up the pace with this season and this episode proves that. Before I could get into what I liked most about the episode, I should get into what I didn’t like. 

This “Bailey in danger” / “Jason on the run” storyline needs to come to an end. In last week’s episode, we saw that Bailey returned home, except now she wasn’t allowed to be home because John is obsessed with keeping her safe. So much so, Bailey is hiding out at Lucy’s apartment while Celina plays decoy just in case Jason, Bailey’s ex-husband, tries to break in and hurt Bailey. 

This was a bit much – admittedly, when I saw the sneak peek clip for the episode and saw that Bailey was staying at Lucy’s, I was excited at the idea that Bailey would finally interact with other people apart from John and Celina. Unfortunately, that clip was all we got this episode. I don’t like being on Bailey’s side here, but John went a little too hard at the protection detail. That scene at the station when John asks Grey (his boss btw) to “watch her”. Bailey is grown and doesn’t need a babysitter. What is she up to though? Hunting down Malvado (did she always own a gun?), and hiding this from John. I hope she knows what she’s doing. 

Seth is a storyteller, huh? Something is off with him and I don’t want to think that he’s being deceptive, I really don’t, but the signs are there. He’s always prepared with an excuse for not being “quite himself” at crime scenes which is interesting. Also, why do bad things keep happening to his girlfriends in his stories?

At the scene of a car wreck, the team finds a woman trapped in the trunk of an abandoned car. The victim, Savannah, recalls the details prior to her abduction. The car is registered to Harrison Novak and after looking into him, the team finds a connection with one of their own, Wesley. Turns out Wesley was Novak’s defense attorney a few years back and got the charges dropped on a technicality. As all of this is unraveling, Novak calls Wesley saying he will be needing his services again (and was basically admitting he’s going to attack again). 

Thankfully with the help of Wesley and Del Monte, Angela and Nyla were able to get a trace on Novak’s phone and find his location before he could hurt anyone. Once they got him in interrogation, Novak wasted no time and confessed. This man needed to be locked up with the way he was describing his urge to kill (as if they weren’t human, but more like an itch he needed to scratch and keep scratching). He then told Angela and Nyla that he would give them the location of where he buried his victims, but that he would need to go with them and show them. 

Now this is where things got a little wonky – when they started to dig up the bodies (this man is sick), the dogs then moved further out from where Novak buried his victims and more  bodies were discovered. They’re wrapped the same as his victims but here’s the odd thing: Novak doesn’t claim them as his. With the genuine confusion on Novak’s face at this discovery, Angela and Nyla believe they’re dealing with a copycat. 

Since this person is copying Novak, it must be someone from his past, right? That’s what Angela and Nyla thought and they dug a little deeper into Novak’s past. This led them to a psychiatric facility where Novak spent some time when he was younger. The woman at the facility wasn’t too helpful, but as they were leaving Nyla and Angela notice a tarp matching Novak and the second serial killer’s hanging from a seemingly abandoned home and they go in to investigate (I’m so glad they called for backup because that was a scary scene). They find a victim there and Angela takes him out to safety as Nyla stays behind to search for potentially the second serial killer. Bad idea – she’s attacked and it wasn’t looking good for her before Angela came back and scared whoever was there off. That was the scariest few moments I’ve witnessed in a while on this show, but I’m glad Nyla made it out okay. I’m a bit concerned at the fact that she doesn’t want to talk about what happened to her. Something tells me this incident is going to come back up at the wrong time and I hope she’s able to deal. 

Now, on to some happiness that we’ve all been waiting for (though it’s still not enough). We finally have a Chenford moment and we get to see Tim’s home for the first time in a long time (another fun surprise was seeing Kojo!). Lucy stops by to talk to Tim about her concerns regarding Seth. When his stories don’t add up, she asks Tim how extensive the background checks are at the LAPD. Once he puts her worries at ease, Tim hesitantly asks Lucy if she wants to stay and order take out. She declined, but it did look like she thought about saying yes (and she should have). Can these two please sit down and talk to each other? The feelings are clearly still there so I don’t get where the writers are going with having them have these awkward encounters. I’m not losing hope for them, but they need to speed things along with these two– enough time has passed. 

What’d you think of the new episode of The Rookie? Share your thoughts! 

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