Tuesday’s new episode of The Rookie gave major whiplash with the amount of storytelling that was happening. However, unlike the previous season, these stories were engaging and kept my attention the entire episode.
We’re finally at the point in Celina’s training where she gets her “Plain Clothes Day”. If you’re not familiar with the show, it’s when a rookie goes on patrol with her training officer, but their training officer isn’t in uniform and they’re only there to observe. I never thought this day would come for Celina, but we made it.
On her first solo call, she responds to a call where a man, who is armed, has locked himself in the bathroom because he thought there was an intruder in his home. When a few shots rang out, Celina and Nolan made entry. Technically, Celina is there alone because it’s her ‘Plain Clothes Day” and Nolan should only intervene if things get out of control, but he forgets all about that and takes point. He completely undermined Celina on this call. When Detective Graham gets on the scene, he doesn’t even look in Celina’s direction and goes straight to Nolan for the incident report who has to redirect him back to Celina.

I am so glad Celina called him out on it. There was no reason for him to take over and it took away from her solo day. Celina has great instincts that, despite working with her for nine months, cannot be credited to Nolan. She’s going to be a great cop if only he would let her. Nolan did recognize this and told Nyla and Angela that he was struggling being on the T.O. side of things. Nyla gave him great advice which made the rest of Celina’s “Plain Clothes Day” more successful. She told him that “the only way she will succeed is if you give her the room to fail”. Celina was a bit out of control at the start of her rookie year, but she’s gotten better, and Nolan needs to acknowledge that. Thankfully she made it through and didn’t wash out.
Miles tried his best to hide his situation, but he should’ve known sooner or later that he’d be caught. It didn’t take long for Tim to figure it out – he warned Miles of the danger of living in his car as a police officer (and the fact that it’s illegal) and that he had twenty four hours to find a place to live or else he was done with the FTO program. I was expecting a little bit of empathy for Miles from Tim (is that bad?), but I guess Miles needed that fire to get his life together. Now, I wouldn’t say living with Smitty is the best solution, but it is indeed a start.
Seth is a hot mess express and I need him to get it all the way together. Yes, he’s a rookie, but man does he take that “rookie’s mistake” to a whole new level. He’s late to roll call (not by much, but late nonetheless), and then loses a suspect when he fails to get their getaway details. Not only that, as he’s running to catch the suspect he drops his gun, his radio, and a few other items. Seth, you couldn’t even have your uniform together?
It was frustrating to watch, but then when he shares with Lucy that he used to have cancer and recently got news that his recent blood work showed irregularities, it’s understandable why his head wasn’t in the game. Seth, to me, has trouble separating his personal life with work and it’s something I’d like to see Lucy help him work through. He has the potential to be a great cop if only he could leave all the personal problems out of uniform.

Because of the wave of police corruption and many officers losing their jobs, Angela and Nyla volunteer to go back to patrol. It was weird seeing them in uniform, but I sure did miss it. It gave season one and season two energy and I loved to see it. What I didn’t love to see, though, is tension between Nyla and her husband, James. James’ work that focuses on community and advocating against police brutality sometimes clashes with Nyla’s (duh – she’s a detective). Hearing Nyla say she thought that she and James might’ve gotten married too fast made my chest tight. By the end of the episode, they seem to be doing okay, but I’m scared that this episode was just the beginning of the end (I better be wrong).
Another great episode of The Rookie – what’d you think of “The Watcher”? Let me know!
What did you think?
Loved it
Hated it
James has NEVER been my favorite and while I hope him and Nyla work it out, I wouldn't mind seeing him go - death or divorce...whatever.
And I am SO over Seth and his sob stories. First it was his crack head girlfriend, and then this time he has "cancer"...if that's even true. He needs to get his life together and Lucy needs to be tougher on him.
I'm excited to see Rachel come back next week and see how #Chenford comes back together.