Today's episode begins with a disgruntled Emma asking Maxie why she's there to which Maxie clearly informs her. Curtis meets a worried Trina at GH. She asks him for help with her friend who's in a very dark place. At the PC Grill, Jordan asks Laura if she met Sidwell. Laura gives her a run down on their meeting. Liz and Lucky continue their mysterious Turning Woods/GH deaths investigation at her house. She's contacted the family of another victim. They discover Cyrus may have killed many more patients. Sonny goes to see Alexis after learning of Sam’s murder. At the stables, Lulu apologizes for interrupting the Brook Lynn-Dante hug. Brook Lynn leaves but not before ensuring she's there for him. Dante tells Lulu about his talk with Anna about Sam's murder.
Laura and Jordan discuss Sidwell’s ability to skirt the law. He's not on any law enforcement’s radar. Laura tells Jordan Anna’s suspicions of Sidwell possibly targeting Sonny. Maxie explains to Emma that her new living arrangements are with a spy. She can't avoid Anna finding out about her questionable actions. Maxie asks Emma to call her for help. Sasha arrives and Maxie asks Emma to leave.
Sonny tells Alexis to express her feelings about Sam's murder. She’s tried but nothing helps. Alexis finally releases her emotions. Sonny consoles her and tells her he’s there for her. Lulu consoles Dante on Sam’s death, and tells him he needs to grieve. It's difficult for him, because he's unable to get justice for Sam. Lulu apologizes to Dante for all the seemingly ungrateful things she's said and done. She lets him know he can talk to her about Sam. He opens up to Lulu and tells her everything about his time with Sam.
Trina explains to Curtis what's happening with her friend. She thought he’d have a perspective that could help Kai. Curtis agrees to help, but warns that Kai has to heal in his own way and time. Laura goes to see Lucky at Liz's place. She tells him about Sidwell being in Port Charles, and the meeting she had with him. She tells him Sidwell's there permanently, living at Wyndemere. Laura asks Lucky to be careful and stay away from Sidwell. He assures he will. Liz asks Lucky how he felt when he was Sidwell’s prisoner after Laura leaves.
Isaiah gets to The Grill to meet with Jordan. His engaging smile doesn’t distract her from her thoughts. She tells him Sidwell's in town. Isaiah’s not worried, and Jordan assures him she’s got his back. Jordan updates Isaiah on how her day went. He’s interrupted by a call. Sasha regales Maxie about her pregnancy happenings. Maxie asks if Jason's the baby’s father. Sasha is angry about the gossip.
Gio and Emma discuss her upcoming animal rights fundraiser at another table. Emma's distracted, and abruptly goes to request music from the restaurant dj. She eavesdrops on Maxie and Sasha. She returns to her table and tells Gio Jason’s the baby’s father. Gio denies it.
Kai's talking with Quinn about his injuries, in his room. He tells him he's not returning to football. He feels he let the team down. Kai asks Quinn to take his place. Curtis walks in as an upset Quinn leaves. Curtis introduces himself, and tells Kai he’s not there for a pep talk. Quinn confronts Trina outside Kai’s room. He thinks she’s the reason he was injured. Trina fights back. Curtis tells Kai about his story, and encourages him. Kai admits he doesn’t know what to do. Curtis says that is okay. Kai reaches out to Trina after Curtis leaves.
A concerned Lois meets Brook Lynn at the Metro Court restaurant. Brook Lynn tells her about her talk with Dante. He was too distraught, so she decided not to tell him about their child. Lois supports her. Laura goes to see Alexis and asks what she knows about Sidwell. Alexis knows little, but Sonny tells her about Sasha’s kidnapping. At the Grill bar, Jordan introduces herself to Sidwell, and asks him why he’s in Port Charles. Isaiah returns to find Sidwell there.