This episode was filled with multiple mini-stories. It began with Trina Robinson and Kai Taylor, played by Jens Austin Astrup. Their first run-in was cute at the Port Charles University cafe. Trina spilling sodas on Kai, and shyly nervously trying to clean it off his shirt was different. One might say kinda adorable even. What happened next brought a glimpse of the old Trina, FINALLY! Of course Joss, the ultimate sports fan, told Trina who he was. Trina had no clue, nor cared about him being a football star.
Trina’s focus was on the fact he was her elusive Art Project Partner, once she learned his name. Now the name drop in the earlier episode with Trina and Portia makes sense. Anyway, the Trina we Know and Love stepped up now! She heard nothing else sportliche Joss was saying about Kai. Trina walked over to his table and let him know exactly and bluntly what she thought of him. He was happily stunned and babbling by her righteous indignation. His fascination was obvious as he watched her storm off back to her table with Joss. Welcome BACK Trina Robinson! Three scenes of Taby, WOW! It was refreshing to see Tabyana Ali’s comedic side again.
Jens Austin Astrup’s performance matched hers and tickled some interest. He’s also Cute! It looks like the new Kai-Trina Relationship is gonna be a slow burn, at least for Trina, anyway. They DON'T connect over Art, since Kai tells his friend he took the class as a college degree requirement. This is an good way to introduce him. Curious to see how this turns out. Maybe a friendship first. Interesting to see the Kai character development. Future Trina and Kai Ship, KaTrina, hhhmmm? Possibly. Still don't understand why there wasn't a Trina Robinson Storyline complete with a Spencer grieving period first. Anyway, Trina being front and center was Great to see, and reserve an opinion on her future relationship with Kai. Do find their height difference an attractively adorable.
Anyway, the other stories today included Portia updating Laura and Lucky on Lulu’s improving health and her long term care plan needs. Lucky telling Liz he might be returning to Africa, Robert and Mac discussing Robert’s feelings for Holly were interesting. Holly asking Anna to keep an eye on Robert because she's making a quick getaway, AGAIN was different. The precious Father-Son moments of Danny and Jason were heartwarming. Laura encouraging her daughter, Lulu, to wake from her coma was Great! One other highlight was the Diane and Robert breakup. Love Diane’s strength and choosing Herself! She also told Robert she didn't deserve to be second to anyone in a relationship. She ended their relationship, and told him to find Holly, the love of his life. She later cried into her drinks when asking Anna how to get over Robert.
The ‘Casablanca’ ending with Robert and Holly was different! Was this Robert’s exit?
Good mixture of characters and mini-plots.