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Chicago Med Season 10 Episode 5: "Bad Habits" Review

It is Halloween night in the ED and things are slightly off. Lenox is dancing, and we have a code orange. Lenox gives a speech about decorum, while a patient in the ED in their costume ranks all over the place. Everyone agrees it will be a long night. Frost and Robinson admire each other's Minions costumes, while two other doctors come up to show Frost their Nick of Time costumes. I am seeing chemistry between Robinson and Frost. I would love to see them interact more! Asher and Ripley are Barbie and Ken! The ED is in full Halloween mode. The code orange arrives and it’s all the pediatric patients coming to the ED to trick or treat. It’s an amazing sight. 

Goodwin is coming home and is on a call when she hears noises in her home. Now we know she has been having death threats at work. Goodwin asks who is there and the mouse is louder. Just then there is a knock at the door and when Goodwin opens the door there is someone in a hockey mask. Immediately she pepper sprays him and her neighbor Kyle screams out. Goodwin feels bad and takes him to his mother so they can get to the ED. Frost helps Kyle and Goodwin apologizes to Helen Kyle’s mom. Helen says all is forgiven if she gives up her peanut butter cups. Kyle’s says it was an accident, don’t be hard on Ms. Goodwin. Goodwin says it’s a deal and that she has just been on edge lately. Helen says someone in your home is serious. Goodwin agrees and says Chicago PD will be doing a full sweep of her home. 

Asher has a pregnant patient that came in from a flier she found for prenatal care. Asher says those hours are from 11am-4pm. The patient says she works during those hours. Asher asks if she can come in on her day off. The patient looks at her young son that had headphones on and is playing on his tablet and says she doesn’t really have days off. The patient pleads with Asher and says something just doesn’t feel right. Asher asks for some time, but she will see what she can do. 

Jackie and Charles are discussing a patient Ted Catchler he had an issue with the security guard he is from the psych ward from a domestic dispute. Jackie would like for Dr. Charles to talk with Ted because he was unhinged and paranoid during intake. Charles and Ted go over what led him to be in the ED. Ted says he lost his temper, he was tired and stressed and he felt that he lost control and it has him in a psych ward where he doesn’t belong on top of having a custody case in court in the morning he can’t miss and is worried his ex will use it against him. Charles says he doesn’t think the previous physician would have admitted him to psych without a good reason, but he can’t miss the court date because he will not lose his daughter. They tell Ted to relax and rest while they wait for his X-ray. Jackie and Charles discuss the situation outside of the trauma room. Jackie says there is no history of mental illness. Charles says do you think this is a tactic the ex is using against him. Jackie says she is not sure, but they should check everything out because he could never see his daughter again. Charles is hesitant and says Ted even admitted to being out of control, and he wants to fully evaluate the case before he just releases him. 

Asher pleads with Lenox to assist the patient that is pregnant. Lenox asked is there an acute medical need? Asher says no, but she found her through the clinic flier and took three buses to get there. Goodwin overhears the conversation and steps in. Goodwin asks how long they think it will take. Asher says an hour tops. Goodwin says they can make an exception since she traveled that far. Asher goes to evaluate the patient. Goodwin says an exception won’t break us, it's just bending. Lenox says but it leads to more bending then walks away. 

A woman comes into the ED carrying a baby screaming for help. Frost takes the case and the baby to trauma room one. The baby was brought in by his babysitter. She says he was fine then he wasn’t. His hands are blue and Frost asks questions, to which the babysitter responds she doesn’t smoke or vape, and he wasn’t sleeping near a vent. She tells Frost she called the baby’s mother and she should be on the way. Frost calls for specific tests for Nate and Samantha; the babysitter is panicking as to be expected. 

Ripley comes into a trauma room and greets a nun who introduces herself as Mary Katherine, but MK for short. Ripley masks some assumptions reading the chart on why she is there. Asks her was she heavily parting. MK is clear this is not a Halloween costume that she is a real deal nun. Ripley apologizes profusely about the mix up. Ripley evaluates the patient while asking how long she has been experiencing pain. Ripley gives a preliminary assessment and says he still wants a CT scan to be sure. Ripley comes out of the trauma room and overhears a woman asking for her son Nate. Ripley calls Lynn. She goes to Ripley saying Nate was brought in for a fever. Ripley says he will walk with her, then asks has she been drinking? She says she went out to a bar with friends, he asks if she took Nate to a bar? She says of course not that she got a babysitter. Ripley is laying into her saying she left her sick baby to go get drunk at a bar. Right here is my issue with Ripley: he constantly is sanctimonious and acts as if he is better than everyone around him. Lynn tells him he can go somewhere with his judgment since he is Saint Rip and she walks off. I don’t blame her at all. Meanwhile Ripley has a never to look at her with such disgust as she walks away. In Nate’s room Frost says Nate has a mild case of pneumonia. Lynn thanks Frost for all of his help. Ripley is in the room silently observing. Lynn looks at Ripley and asks him what he had to say. Lynn tells him about her struggles and how hard it is for her. Sulley is in jail, she is all alone. She suggests that he could stop by and help her. Ripley being Ripley just walks away. 

Back in with the pregnant patient Olivia, her son Leo is having a melt down. Maggie tries to calm him with candy that doesn’t work. Leo is clearly autistic and his mother places his headphones back on and gives him the game. Leo calms down immediately. The patient says it has been a long day for him and she talks about all the excitement she experienced when she found out she was expecting Leo. She goes on to say she didn’t take proper care of herself when she was prestigious Leo and has always blamed herself for his condition. Maggie tells Olivia she can’t put that pressure on herself. Olivia says she always said if she became pregnant again she would do better. She goes in and says she is all alone and has bills to pay, she just wants her baby to get proper care. Maggie does her best to console Olivia. 

Dr. Quavious comes in and asks Dr. Charles why she was brought in away from trick or treating with her family. Dr. Charles seems lost, she says Jackie paged her and said you needed me here on the Ted Catchler case. Dr. Charles looks caught off guard and says he just needed more information. She says that it could have been a phone call, after all he is her boss. Charles apologizes and asks questions about Ted’s intake. She says he was violent and screaming threats at his wife that looked terrified. Dr. Quavious says that she recommends that they fix his arm and return him to psych. Dr. Charles thanks her and she leaves. Charles goes to Jackie to let her have it, he tells her you do not page another doctor in his name without letting him know. Jackie says she just doesn’t want to see Ted’s kid taken away from him. Charles is fuming and says you heard Dr. Quavious so for now he is where he needs to be a s storms off leaving Jackie reeling from their interaction. 

Back in MK’s room she introduces Ripley to her sister. Ripley asks if she is ready for her CT scan. Just before they leave we hear the ominous soft music. MK lightly touches Ripley’s hand and says you seem sad, is everything okay? Ripley says he is great. MK says you just lied to a nun. The sister says that MK has a sixth sense on human emotions so he needs to confess now. Ripley says he can confess after the CT. MK says priests take confessions not nuns, but they will talk later. 

Asher comes to Olivia’s room and says everything looks normal. All the tests came back looking good for the baby and mother. Asher wants to look at the baby and she should be good to go. While Asher is doing the ultrasound she asks if she wants to know the sex of the baby. Olivia says she is old school and will wait. Asher clearly sees something that isn’t good. Olivia picks up on it. Asher says nothing is wrong, but she wants to run a couple more tests. Olivia says something is wrong. I can feel it. Asher says she just wants to be thorough since you came all this way. Olivia says do any test you want to do. Asher goes to Maggie and tells her of the findings. Maggie says that’s the lowest level of normal. Asher explains what she wants to rule out and what tests are needed. Maggie reminds Asher that the6 told Lenox it would be an hour and we are going on hour two. Asher says she has got it. 

Frost is with another patient saying he had an interaction with a bat and his mother made him come to the ED to be checked out. 

The patient talks about how he could have been in close proximity to a bat when he was at Kevin’s house. Frost asks if that’s a friend's house. He says no it’s a haunted house uptown that he and his bros went to. He tells the tale of a kid his age in the nineties tha5 was chained in the basement and starved to death and his body was never found. Frost locates the bat bites and says he will get vaccinated for rabies. The patient is shaken and says his friends will be as well. Frost asks what friends he points to the group of teenagers in the waiting area. The patient said they all went to Kevin’s house. Frost says they all have to get vaccinated. 

Ripley approaches Asher and asks for her opinion on the scan they just conducted. Ripley asks if his eyes are deceiving him. Asher asks is this the nun? Asker confirms it’s a baby, at least it was a baby. They both look at each other puzzled. Back in MK’s room Ripley allows Asher to explain what they think happened. Asher says she had a pregnancy and it looks like it went to the second trimester. MK says she was never pregnant. Asher says you may not have been aware of the pregnancy at the time, and the fetus did not survive. MK says the. That is a miscarriage and she wanted to know if a baby is in her right now? Asher says normally the body would expel the fetus, but in rare cases the fetus can be retained by the uterus and the body launches an immune defense that calcifies it. MK asks why now? Asher says her body has entered a premenopausal state which allows the uterus to contract and that’s why you're experiencing abdominal pain. Ripley says sometimes this condition can be asymptomatic for a lifetime. MK asks what now? Ripley says they need to do surgery to hand the fetus removed. Ripley wants tge surgery done asap or they can give her time. MK says she is fine and it can be fine tonight. 

Goodwin and Dr. Charles are discussing what happened in her home this evening. Goodwin says the sweep shows her home was completely clear. She says there is no evidence that anyone was there, no forced entry, but she knows what it felt like when she was in there. Charles says she should stay somewhere else so she can feel safe. Goodwin says the Chicago PD offered her a car to sit outside her home and she has accepted. 

Robinson and Frost are vaccinating the group of teens that had the interaction with the bat. Robinson is attempting to vaccinate another person when he becomes enraged and pushes her away violently, and jumps on the table. Frost asks him to calm down. The guy then growls and jumps on top of Frost and bites his arm. Security comes and gets the guy. Frost asks why his friend is acting like that. They all say they don’t know him and security chimed in that he is from the psych ward that hit out during Ted’s issue leaving the ward. Security says let’s go Kevin. The friend group is shocked and says Kevin is alive. Frost is over everything and asks what is going on tonight?

Asher speaks with Olivia about the baby’s heartbeat. The test shows an atrioventricular block meaning her body has formed a certain type of antibodies that has disrupted the baby’s cardiac development. Of course Olivia panics and Maggie tells her to just listen. Asher explains that they have started a course of steroids to root out the bad antibodies and started an IV drip to replace them with healthy ones. Olivia asks if her baby is okay. Asher reassures her that her baby will be just fine. Olivia breathes a sigh of relief. All three women celebrate and Maggie says you're the hero because you came in early. Olivia goes to talk to Leo. He is gone and Olivia is panicking again. Maggie offers to go find him. Maggie finds Leo in front of a room where the patient is being restrained and is fighting the doctors. Seeing this he has an episode where he is screaming, then he starts flailing on the ground. Lenox comes to Maggie to find out what’s going on. Maggie informs Lenox that gets on the ground with Leo. She calmly talks to him, never touches him. Asher asks Maggie if Lenox is mad that they are still here. Maggie says no. Lenox reassures Leo that he is safe. She stays on the ground with him. He eventually calms and lays on his back like Lenox, she breathes deeply and Leo matches her breathing. Lenox tells Leo he can stay like that as long as he likes. 

Back in the room that Leo was watching is Ted who is calm now. Dr. Charles asks what happened. Jackie says security came to take him back to the psych ward and he had a full blown asthma attack. Jackie says they treated the asthma attack and that’s when he freaked out. Charles asks what meds were given? Jackie goes over what they gave Ted. Jackie admits to Charles that he was right, clearly he is mentally ill. Dr. Charles says let’s not jump to conclusions so quickly. 

Ripley finds MK at the chapel and says they really need to get her into surgery. MK deflects and asks Ripley what has he been upset about. Ripley admits his best is dying of cancer and that his son was brought into the ED tonight with pneumonia because his mother ignored the signs to go party for halloween. Ripley says he isn’t upset, but he is angry. MK says sometimes those emotions are the same thing. MK recounts her relationship that she had in the past that has her in this situation. MK admits she put everything into that person. Ripley asks what happened. She says he fell in love with someone else and everything she wanted went away. MK points out that everything that his friend’s girlfriend wanted could slowly be slipping away from her, which could be the most painful of all and that’s the most painful thing that could happen to her. She says that she wishes that the baby boy gets better and that Ripley should have some patience with Lynn. 

Back in the hallway Lenox and Leo are still laying on the floor. Maggie has blocked them off with cones so no one will walk in their way. They bring Olivia out to where Leo is and she says that Lenox knew what to do and she must have a very kind soul. Asher tells her that the IV is about done. The baby's heartbeat is strong. They tell her she needs to come and follow up every couple of weeks. Olivia says she is grateful to the clinic. Maggie says for her to spread the word. 

In Ted’s room Dr. Charles asks if he had an asthma attack when he was arguing with his wife. Ted says that he did. He was asked if he usually combines the nose spray with his inhaler. Ted says not usually. Ted says he was really riled up that last time. Charles asks if he remembers how many pumps he used. Ted says he really doesn’t know, but maybe five pumps a piece. Dr. Charles says he thinks what has happened is that he has over meditated himself. Ted asks so I’m not crazy. Dr. Charles says even in the ED when they gave him the right dosage the other medication was still in his system and it was too much. That’s why he was feeling and acting out of control. Dr. Charles wants to keep Ted until the morning to make sure all of the medication is out of his system. Jackie reassures Ted they will release him in enough time to make the custody hearing. 

Asher and Maggie go to Lenox and they tell her how amazing she was with Leo and how they wanted to thank her for all of her help. Lenox seems to be speechless and the only thing she could say is happy Halloween and she walks away. Asher says that Dr. Lenox is a true mystery. Goodwin comes to Maggie and Asher and commends the ladies on a job well done with Olivia. Goodwin says that the clinic isn’t getting much traction. Goodwin says she has an idea because she spoke with Violet Mikami last week who delivered a baby by sea section minutes after the mother died. Maybe her death could have been avoided if she had basic prenatal care. Goodwin says she thinks they need to get a mobile clinic in the communities most at risk because if the patients can’t get to them, then they will go to the patients. Goodwin says they need to do better by the pregnant women that need them and they will. Goodwin says she will have more details tomorrow. Maggie and Asher are overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. 

Dr. Charles is speaking with Jackie on her smoke break. Jackie admits that she overstepped and she apologizes. Charles says he is still trying to understand what she was thinking about what was so compelling about Ted’s case. Jackie says she has been misdiagnosed. Jackie says she was misdiagnosed and a psych ward can be scary, heavy and it sticks with you. Jackie says she takes her daughter to a Halloween celebration each year and this year was no different, but her husband changed his mind at the last minute. She says her hussays he is worried about her, but the truth is he doesn’t want her to be alone with her own doctor. It comes from a place of fear. Charles asks if she thinks he misdiagnosed her? Jackie says no, something was wrong with her and without him she wouldn’t be here today. She hugs him and heads back into work. 

Frost is checking on Nate and says his breathing is getting better. Lynn asks when she can take him home. Frist says he wants to keep him overnight to monitor his oxygen levels. Lynn asks if she can stay and Frist says he will get her set up. Ripley comes in and asks if he can keep her company. Lynn asks if it is going to be condescending and judgmental. Frost feels like he is in the middle, so he exits. Ripley apologizes to Lynn about how he treated her and what she is going through. He admits he hasn’t been there for her and says that all stops now. Lynn asks if Sulley knows that she is there. Ripley says he doesn’t and will not find out from him. 

Back at Godwin’s home she takes the peanut butter cups to Helen. Goodwin asks how Kyle is and says she notices that Helen has a doorbell camera and would she mind if she reviewed the footage. Helen says not at all and says she will send the file. While reviewing the file Goodwin can clearly see that there is a male inside of her home. She increases the picture, but you can’t make out who it is. This just makes me have more questions. Who is stalking Goodwin. I guess we can only find out by tuning in! 

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