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Chicago Med Season 10 Episode 1: Sink or Swim Review

In the season 10 opener we see the trauma alert device on a seat next to a child. It looks like a cell phone so it’s obvious why the child picked it up to play with. We go right to Dr. Charles speaking with Liliana and it seems intense. Shortly after Dr. Charles is talking to Ms. Goodwin and he admits that Liliana is transferring hospitals because of the break up and he feels that it is extreme. Ms. Goodwin says she is sorry and wants to make sure he is okay. While Dr. Charles wants to make sure she is ready to make the big announcement to the staff. Dr. Ripley is observed talking to a patient that’s finally done chemo and ready to take on more responsibilities at home including his young baby. This patient alludes to the incident that was the attack during season nine. The patient puts it out there that cops don’t go after small things. Dr. Asher starts walking towards Dr. Ripley. She walks past and doesn't speak or acknowledge him at all. She later admits they are on a break. Dr. Ripley looks at her longingly. 

Ms. Goodwin pulls the staff together to inform them that Jackson Monroe Hospital will be closing and that Gaffney will take in the overflow of patients. This will increase the volume in patients. She is asking for their help and thanks them for their flexibility. Just then Ms. Goodwin tells Dr. Archer they need to talk, but he is pulled away by a patient. 

We observe Maggie watching the little girl with the brink and she asks if she can please have it back. Once the little girl gives the device back the ED is in for a crazy day because the brick is going crazy. There was a commuter ship capsized and the ED must take on these patients. Maggie informs the team they have incoming. The team prepares the ED and the6 are informed of the eta of the first patient in two minutes. Ms. Goodwin comes out in scrubs and says this is why she keeps her RN license up to date for emergencies like this. There is an all hands call to all doctors and nurses to help in the ED. 

The ED is overflowing with the patients from the commuter ship. The focus is on a young boy that was pulled to safety by his mother. He is in shock and his knee is bleeding badly. The mother is clear she will not leave her son's side. The doctor makes it clear that the child is a hemophiliac. We are now on to the driver of the commuter ship and he complains he can’t breathe. Driver expresses he doesn’t know what happens. The6 notice he has chewed off his tongue. They ask if he ever has a seizure before he says no then starts having problems. The doctors and nurses work to make him stable. We now observe a man approach Janine the mother with the son Ellis that is being helped. Janine looks bothered; he admits he is her husband Seth. There is tension then Janine starts to assault Seth. Janine screams and tells them what you did. Janine tells them that when Ellis was trapped and the water was rising, Seth left them to die in order to save himself. 

Ms. Goodwin let’s Dr. Archer knows that it’s fine the way he was in trauma because she has dealt with many doctors with varying attitudes over the years and right now she is back to being his boss. Just then a new doctor approaches and introduces herself as Dr. Lenox the new head of the ED. Dr. Archer seems taken aback. He introduces himself as the current head of the ED. There is silence and Ms. Goodwin informs Dr. Archer this is what she wanted to discuss with him. She lets him know she didn’t want him to find out this way she apologized letting him know they would run the ED together. They seem to be like oil and vinegar at least so far. 

There is another patient that is critical. Maggie pulls Dr. Asher to let her know they have a pregnant patient. Once in the trauma room they observe that there is a metal object that was impelled into her stomach. Understandably they BOTH look shocked and worried. An ultrasound is conducted and it shows the baby is in distress. The doctors try to formulate a plan to save the baby along with the mother. The mother is begging for her husband.

We now have a chaotic ED with trauma patients everywhere. There is a doctor in Jackson Monroe scrubs wheeling in a patient. Maggie lets him know they are too busy and can’t help him at this time using the radiology machine at their hospital. Dr. Frost informs her that the hospital sold all equipment for the sloshes of the hospital. He fights for his patient and says she may not have been on that ship but she is just as important and needs medical treatment. Maggie observes the girl and it pulls at her heart strings when she observes the difficulty in Zoe’s speech issues. 

Dr. Ripley is pulled to the side by an officer letting him know that there has been more movement on the assault case and there is a witness now. She says he should be careful. Dr. Ripley informs her he has nothing to hide. She warns him that he needs to consult a lawyer then walks away. Dr. Ripley is called for a code blue on the driver of the commuter ship. 

We have the driver of the commuter ship getting prepped fir surgery. We now observe Ellis’s parents being told that Ellis needs surgery on his leg. Ellis has developed a flesh eating bacteria that could cost him his leg. Seth wants to proceed with surgery, but Janine says he has no say. Janine is not willing to risk Ellis’s life for the surgery. She says no and walks away. 

While in the ER the team works tirelessly to save the baby and the mother. They run into problems with the mom and baby right away, but we finally hear the baby crying. The paddles are used on the mom again and the mother is back. It’s as if she heard the beautiful sound of her baby's first cry. 

Dr. Archer is notified that a new wave of patients are on their way in. Dr. Archer requests that the patients be diverted. Dr. Lenox says they need to pivot and turning patients away is not an option. They discuss options and agree that they can use the consultation room as a new trauma area. The two doctors butt heads, but agree and realize they are both military while they are sparring back and forth. 

With the new patients coming in we observe Dr. Hudgens struggled to assist in the ED. It’s the same situation as earlier. Dr. Hudgens is still having problems where his name is Ben g called several times and he doesn’t seem to be fully prepared to assist in the ED. 

Dr. Frost is now speaking to Dr. Abrams the neurosurgeon that is taking the case. He informs Dr. Frost that there is a large tumor on her brain that is the reason for the speech problems. Dr. Abrams shares the risk of the surgery. Dr. Frost takes his time discussing the surgery with Zoe and what the risk factors are for getting* the surgery along with what would happen if she doesn’t get the surgery. Dr. Frost is amazing with his bedside manner. He lets Zoe know this work is such a better place with her in it. 

We see Maggie in the morgue looking at John Doe hoping she doesn’t see the husband of the new baby and mom that just made it through surgery. Unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be the case. 

We are in the operating room with Dr. Asher and Dr. Ripley is finishing up the surgery on the driver of the commuter ship when he starts to seize on the table. The surgical team is surprised and tries their best to stop what’s happening there are lacerations. The anesthesiologist says it seems he is eating through the drugs he is being given. Dr. Asher says he can’t finish with him all over the table the way he is. 

We are now in the heart of the ED and they are down to the last 5 pints of O neg blood. Dr. Lenox and Dr Ripley are fighting for it. Ms. Goodwin makes a judgment call and gives it to Dr. Ripley. Ms. Goodwin is preparing herself for the attack from Dr. Lenox. Surprisingly Dr. Lenox agrees that Ms. Goodwin did the right thing. 

Maggie tracks down Hannah who lets Maggie know that the baby and mom are great. Maggie delivers the news that the husband didn’t make it. Hannah says take a look. In one of the trauma rooms Maggie observes the patient with he4 husband and their brand new baby girl. Hannah says he went to another hospital. A great silver lining of this very fast paced episode. Maggie admits this is some good news that she really needed. 

Dr. Charles has a heart to heart with Janine. She explains that she is so hurt by what her husband did and she doesn’t want to discuss if he is here on behalf of her husband to save his breath. Dr. Charles points out he did not discuss the surgery with Seth, but he could tell Seth was just as shocked by his own actions. Janine goes in to tell Dr. Charles how difficult it was to hold onto Ellis that she wa# so scared that she would lose him forever and she felt so tired but she knew she couldn’t give up protecting her son. She kept repeating to herself not to let go of his hand. Dr. Charles asks Janine do you think letting Ellis have the surgery would be letting go of Ellis’s hand. She admits that’s what it feels like and she can’t forget the terror on Ellis’s face. Janine starts to second guess her decision. Dr. Charles lets her know she can’t let fear rule her decision. 

We are back with a patient and Dr. Hudgens. Ms. Goodwin is trying to save a patient and Dr. Hudgens seems off again. Ms. Goodwin is talking to him letting him know it’s getting worse we need to act. She is doing chest compressions  and screaming his name. Dr. Hudgens leaves the room. Ms. Goodwin yells to Maggie they need a doctor. As Dr. Lenox comes in she observes Ms. Goodwin revives the patient with the paddles and says you brought him back. Ms. Goodwin says I am still certified in critical care. Dr. Lenox asked where Dr. Hudgens was because this is his patient. Ms. Goodwin informs her that he walked. Dr. Lenox had to actually say it out loud and confirm that is what just happened. 

We are observing the aftermath of this day. Some patients made it and there were some patients that didn’t. Dr. Frost sees Maggie finding out how Zoes surgery is going. She lets him know surgery is still going on and seems okay so far. She asked Dr. Frost his plans once his hospital closes. Dr. Frost is hoping to find somewhere to finish his residency. Maggie observes that he is great with Zoe and he can tell that he cares a lot. 

Dr.  Charles and Ms. Goodwin talks about joe Ellis looks to make a full recovery, but the parents don’t seem to have such luck. Dr. Charles says some relationships are at the point of no return. Ms. Goodwin checks on Dr. Charles says he is holding up abd she is all up in his business. 

The driver of the commuter ship is watching the news about the tragedy. Dr. Ripley comes in and questions him sternly. He asked if you have epilepsy. Dr. Riple says that he almost died on the table because he has a seizure. The medication given to sedate him should have, but when they tested his blood it showed traces of epilepsy medicine. The patient finally admitted he has known he has had epilepsy for six years and has been taking the medication. He said he was scared to lose his job so he didn't say anything, also he never had a seizure and always took his medication. Dr. Ripley says if you would have been honest there is no way you could drive at all. The patient looks up and down the hall and says he never imagined this would happen. He was concerned that he would get fired. He never thought he would hurt other people. 

Zoe is out of surgery and Dr. Frost and Maggie are by her side. Zoe tries to talk and nothing happens. Dr Frost says to rest and try again. Once she takes a breath she is able to speak beautifully. 

Dr. Lenox approaches Dr. Hudgens. He tries to plead his case. He says she doesn’t know him and it was a really bad day. He says he isn’t usually like that there was so much blood and he knew the patient would be better off with him out of the room. Dr. Lenox says that’s a normal reaction, but he is a doctor and that response is unacceptable. Dr. Lenox fires Dr. Hudgens. She lets him know the patients have yTo have faith in all doctors and he did not display that at all. Dr. Lenox tells him he just doesn’t belong there. 

Dr. Ripley and Dr. Asher. Are in an elevator alone. Luke decides to stop the elevator and lets her know he was wrong for shutting her out and explains why he did it. He admits he was wrong and he was sorry. Luke tells Jessy they have something good and he doesn’t want to ruin it.

Dr. Archer confronts Dr. Lenox about the firing of Dr. Hudgens. They are sparing back and forth. She lets him know Goodwin signed off on the firing. Dr. Lenox lets him know his team nearly fell apart today Archer fights back with this was a huge tragedy. She lets him know Jackson Monroe is closing next week and today could be everyday. Dr. Lenox lets him know the5 were unprepared and she is doing her job. She let him know they can co-lead, but she will not stop doing the right thing. She walks away. Maggie observes the entire exchange and says nothing. 

How with the team if Gaffney is going to deal with the new co-leads of the ED? Also how is Johnson Monroe closing going to affect the staff? We will have it tuned in to find out the answers on season 10. 

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