At the cliff house, Daphne came to see Steffy. They laughed that she smelledwonderful for her meeting at Forrester. Steffy was sure that Carter and Hopewere excited she was there and would be offering a deal very soon.
Steffy told Daphne she had already won over Carter and Hope, and they wererolling out the red carpet for her. They discussed the takeover and how itwouldn’t have happened without Hope’s infl uence. Steffy said that Hope waspoison to Carter, but with Daphne’s involvement, Hope didn’t stand a chance.
At the Spencer mansion, Bill ripped into the security team for letting Liam inwhen he specifi cally said not to let anyone in, even family. Bill insisted that thenext time Liam was held at the gate, and Bill would fi gure out how to deal with itwhen it happened.
Luna felt bad that he couldn’t see his family with her there. Bill assured her thatthey would never understand that he had brought her home. Luna told him thatBill saved her life, and was exactly the type of man she used to dream her fatherwould be when she was growing up.
Bill shared what his dad was like and how he would use people. Bill said when hefound his dad, he wanted to hurt him. But he was seduced by joining thecompany. Luna said it was the opposite for her as she had high hopes for whoher father was.
“At the end of the day, I guess we’re just a refl ection of our parents and how theyraised us,” Bill told Luna. She walked to the mirror and said when she saw herrefl ection, she didn’t know what she saw. Luna recalled being the womanworking at Forrester and wanting a life for herself. She didn’t recognize herselfnow and wondered where — or who — she got that ambition from.
In the CEO’s offi ce, Carter showed Hope that he had the deal in writing ready forDaphne Rose. Carter and Hope couldn’t believe their luck. They had hoped for afragrance for Carter’s expansion idea, and then the most famous perfumer inParis just happened to show up on their doorstep.
Carter said word must have gotten out that they wanted a perfumer. Hope notedthey were only in the initial rollout phase of their plan so it was a surprise shearrived, but Hope wasn’t surprised that someone of Daphne’s stature would wantto work with them. “She’s the most respected nose in Paris — maybe the world,”Carter said. Hope said she’d never met anyone like her. “Neither have I,” Carteragreed.
Carter noted that someone like Daphne wasn’t easily impressed so Hopeinsisted that Carter did the pitch. They suddenly caught a scent and paused, thenturned and saw Daphne at the door. “I am here. Let the negotiations begin,” shesaid dramatically. Hope told Daphne that her fragrance had them entranced. “Itreally captures the excitement of the day,” Carter added, almost fl ustered inDaphne’s presence. Hope offered to leave so they could discuss the deal butnoted she had a good feeling about the collaboration. “As do I,” Daphne repliedwhile looking at Carter.
Once alone, Daphne purred, “So tell me, Carter. Do you like it?” Carter toldDaphne that her work was incredible as she undid the scarf around her neck.Daphne ran her hand down his jacket and cooed, “Incredible…is that what you’relooking for, Carter Walton?” Carter took a deep breath and looked shocked.
Across the hall, Steffy settled into the design offi ce until she could get one of herown. Hope came in and shared that they might be partnering with Daphne Rose.“Daphne Rose is here?” Steffy asked excitedly. Hope told her that she was theretalking to Carter at that very moment.
At Li’s offi ce, Jack was mad that Li stabbed him twice with a needle. Licontinued her barrage of accusations even though Jack and Poppy continued todeny ever sleeping together. Jack told Li she was out of control. Poppy agreedthat Li had gone too far. Li sneered that they protested too much, like the guiltycheaters they were.
Li wouldn’t accept that Jack and Poppy were innocent of her accusations. “Iknow how you get when you’re hiding something. I felt it the moment youannounced you were pregnant,” Li told Poppy. Jack heard enough and said hewas leaving. Li said he would stay until they found out for certain that Luna washis daughter with her sister.
Li kept berating Poppy and so Jack asked why she was taunting her sister. Lithen said to Poppy that was how Jack acts when he feels stressed and Poppyshould be feeling the same way because it was all about to be revealed by thepaternity test. “It’s all coming back now, isn’t it? My sweet little sister, helping mydevoted, committed husband take care of our son. Admit it, Penelope. Theperson you were taking care of was Jack,” Li seethed. Poppy insisted it wasn’t true. “Then maybe you were just taking care of yourself, that sounds more likeyou,” Li ranted.
Li told Jack and Poppy it felt good to say it and let it all out fi nally. She told themshe’d been carrying the family’s dark, dirty secret for too long, and they wouldfi nally fi nd out the truth. The timer rang for the test, and she walked over andpicked it up to see the results.